About Lee Ann

Lee Ann Rubsam is the author of numerous books in the Christian and home schooling fields, including The Intercessor ManualCharacter Building for Families,  and The Names of God.  She specializes in writing about intercessory prayer, the prophetic calling, and building Christian character.

Lee Ann and her husband Paul  are committed to helping intercessors reach their highest level of effectiveness in prayer.  In addition to the Out of the Fire blog, they accomplish this through prophetic prayer  workshops.  For more details and to schedule a workshop in your area,  please contact Lee Ann.

Lee Ann Rubsam

Would you like to know a little more about Lee Ann? Visit the About Us page at her website, Character Building for Families!


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E-mail: leeann@leeannrubsam.com


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14 thoughts on “About Lee Ann”

  1. Lee Ann, I just came across your blog when I was looking for things about Rees Howells. I have really enjoyed reading your thoughtful and honest articles. I really appreciate your genuine hunger and thirst for more of Him! I have a new fascination to learn more about prayer, as I am moving to Turkey soon (a total leap of faith!) to teach in a school there, and it seems that all I know about prayer just seems insufficient compared to this upcoming event! I really identify with a lot of your skepticism about certain “movements” that happen in our Charismatic circles. I bear witness to your observation that often the people claiming to have the most glorious experiences are often the ones who are not necessarily the most Christ-like among us, and don’t seem to exhibit much of “the fruit”. There is a natural law that I have observed that I think holds true in the spiritual realm, as well: It is the still and quite waters that go deep. The “babbling brooks” and the bodies of water that make the most noise and moveement are usually the most shallow!


    1. Hi Tracey,

      I hope I don’t come across so much as a skeptic, as a lover of balance and truth. Sometimes those who cry out for balance, in reality want to quench the Spirit. But there is a true balance in the Lord, where we weigh things in the Spirit and flow with the Spirit. I do love the move of God, and I celebrate His supernatural manifestations among His people. He can do anything! But most of all, I want to celebrate the Lord Himself.

      Many blessings on your new adventure in Turkey!


  2. On 1/19/2011 we r planning to have prophetic intercessory prayer. I was asking God to give me a word to base this intercessory. This article helped me to think and meditate deep in the word. Now we are very excited to see the move of God in our Church and city.


  3. I am so happy to come across your artical on praying in the Spirit. I was brought up in a Methodist back ground, and was saved at 11 or 12. At different times in my life I specificly remember walking around in my home during normal activities and just talking in an unknown and what I thought was a made up lauguage. I didn’t really know why I was doing it only that I felt refreshed and unburdened after I finished. I know have been taught and understand praying in the Spirit but find it hard to explain. Due to your article I now understand and have answers to alot of questions I had. Power of your prayer language 5 answered alot of questions. God is soooo Mighty and Awesome!!!!!!! Thank you for sending truth through the web.


  4. Lee…
    Very interesting things I’ve read when I was Googling around today about the small, still voice of God. I’m in the process of writing about my personal experiences with Him and wanted to see if any other information was out here and that’s how I ran into your info. I’ve been given information, definite instructions when I balked at doing something for our church — I’m a Catholic Convert (1996), I have three cousins who are converts and another who became a Catholic priest and now teaches in the Seminary at Gricigliano, Italy — so He’s very much a part of my life. All this came about when my first cousin found out our Great Grandfather came from Limerick Ireland and was Irish Catholic, but the faith died when he died in 1871. Just wanted you to also know that His voice is one of peace and love. God Bless. Dan Murr….


  5. I was reading some of your articles, and I always try to make sure I know where the author is coming from before I allow their words into my life. Do you believe in Jesus as the Son of God, who died and rose again- effectively saving us from our sins? Do you confess Jesus Christ?


      1. I read that. I do plan on reading some of your articles. I do believe God communicates with us in a number of ways from dreams to everyday experiences…God has so many ways of reaching us and letting us know that He is there that I think we have barely touched the surface. I enjoyed your articles on Communication through dreams…I am going to go read your articles on Intercessory prayers as well. Thanks, Beth


  6. Hello ,my name is Terry, I have been walking with Jesus for about one year. He has delivered me from sleeping around, smoking etc., I am truly greatful for his love. I have renounced repeatedly involvement in going to tarot readers and all soul ties BUT my truly weird , demonic,scary dreams will not subside.
    Is there any advice or prayer you might be able to offer?


    1. Hi Terry,

      If you would like, I can send you my book, Overcoming Spiritual Bondage. There might be something that you have overlooked, and if so, perhaps the book will help. There is a chapter in it with Bible verses to help you overcome, which may benefit you. I normally give that book away to anyone who subscribes to have my Out of the Fire blog posts come directly to their e-mail. You will find the subscribe link on my “About Lee Ann” page.

      If you would like to, you can also e-mail me a description of what the dreams look like. That may give us a clue as to what is going on as well.

      Are you part of a local, Spirit-filled church? If not, I highly recommend finding one in your area. We need the support of other believers to encourage us and pray for us — and perhaps your pastor or other wise leaders in your church would be willing to pray directly with you for freedom from this.

      But please do feel free to contact me by e-mail, and I would also like to send you the free book.

      Lee Ann


  7. Hello Lee Ann,

    I am fascinated by your book about all the names of God. When I had a dream about the names of God, I needed to go deeper into this topic. You were the only one giving ALL names of God in a book, thank you so much for the work you put into it! God bless you abundantly.

    Kind regards,



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