We Will See What the King Will Do

“My Wonderful Tiara Again!” by Taku, via Flickr. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Many years ago, while in the midst of praying into a serious situation, a distinct snapshot picture came to my mind. It was a vision, but I didn’t know it then, not yet having been taught how seeing in the Spirit works.

In the picture, a king was seated on his throne. Next to him sat a beautiful, black-haired young woman, with a simple tiara circling her head. Her hand rested on the king’s arm, and her gaze was fastened on his face. It was a picture of quiet trust and confidence in him.

And I heard the words, “We will see what the King will do.”

The vision, of course, was a picture of King Jesus and His bride. It was also a picture of my relationship with Him. It was a great comfort to me, and it helped me to put the problem I was praying into in a better perspective. Through the days and weeks after that, I repeatedly thought, “I will see what the King will do about this.” Eventually the trial was over. Everybody came out of it OK. Jesus made a way where there was none.

Through the years since then, this vision has continued to live and breathe its truth deep in my spirit. Many times, as I have prayed with others about their desperate situations, I have told them the vision and have encouraged them, “Let’s see what the King will do.” Many of them have also come through their fiery test. The King has acted on their behalf, too.

We live in difficult times, and many in the Body of Christ are experiencing very distressing circumstances. I am praying with several loved ones right now who need the Lord’s miraculous intervention. There is no way out for them, other than His supernatural provision and direction. The ability to fix things through human logic and practical maneuvers has come to an end for them. And after praying with them, I have once again said, “Now we will see what the King will do in this.”

The messes we need help with are not always our own fault. Other people’s actions can create a lot of trouble for us. But even when we have no one to blame but ourselves, the King is still eager to fix our problems for us. He is in the salvage and restoration business.

Some of us have damaged our relationships, our churches, and our personal destinies because we have tried too hard to fix impossible circumstances ourselves, rather than bringing them to the King, Who can fix all things. We’ve been unwilling to wait for Him to work, and have made foolish mistakes from a position of panic, when rest in Him was what He was really after.

The Lord often deliberately takes us to the end of our abilities so that we will lean on Him, much as the young woman leaned on her king’s arm in my vision. He lets us wear ourselves out and do all the screaming, kicking, and crying that we tend to do in our flesh. Then, when there is no more fight left in us, He leads us to the place where we give it all to Him, broken and beat up though it may be.

Isaiah 30 talks about the place God wants to get us to: “Their strength is to sit still” (v. 7), and, “In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” (v. 15).

If you’re fighting one of those no-way-out, beating-my-head-against-a-wall types of battles, the King wants you to come to Him. Sit down next to Him as His Beloved. Put your hand confidingly on His arm, and fasten your gaze on Him. Remind yourself, “I will see what the King will do for me in this impossible situation.” He will refresh you and give you new expectation for better things to come. He may open your eyes to a solution you had not thought of before, or He may put things in motion to clear up the problem without you having to do a thing. However He chooses to do it, He will certainly act on your behalf, for nothing is too hard for the King.

Published by

Lee Ann Rubsam

Lee Ann is an author, publisher, and teacher specializing in character building and prayer resources. Her down-to-earth books and articles provide practical, applicable tools to help Christians grow.

6 thoughts on “We Will See What the King Will Do”

  1. Oh thank you Lee Ann for this timely word….as a middle aged divorcee, I am finding myself under attack that in the natural realm there is NO way out and my mind has been screaming to “end it all”…. But I go back to Jer. 29:11….and command those voices to leave me…..but after reading this, I am just going to put my arm on His and see what the King will do….Thank You !

    Sent from my iPad


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    1. I’m so glad my post has encouraged you, Myra! Hang in there, and watch how Jesus can turn things around for you. … And keep using the Word as your overcoming sword.

      Blessings, Lee Ann


  2. I think the Lord might have prompted you to write this today, this afternoon, just for me! It spoke directly to a situation at hand in my life and my daughter’s. We are waiting for a very specific “go” word from Jesus after a long and difficult 2 years of praying fervently about a certain circumstance. It has been one of those agonizing, daily “in-the-fire” times. Just recently we have sensed the Lord telling us that breakthrough is near, and it seems that a certain action is required, but we are waiting for the clear sign from Jesus to go ahead. The picture you shared captures just what is going on and describes the way my daughter always appears to me when I see pictures of her when I pray. I’m taking your post as another confirmation from the Lord that we are close to seeing Him answer the prayer of our hearts. Thank you for being so sensitive to the Spirit. Of all days to decide to write this post….and I don’t check your website all that often. (I have been greatly encouraged by your books and have them on my shelf in my prayer corner and refer to them often 🙂
    Thank you, Rebecca


    1. Hi Rebecca,

      I love how God puts timing for everything together! May the Lord give you the breakthrough you are diligently seeking Him for. “He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

      Thank you for reading my books. 🙂

      Lee Ann


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